Research Grant

The Wisconsin Archeological Survey (WASurvey) will sponsor a research grant that provides limited funding to projects exploring Wisconsin archaeology. The applicant need not be a member of the WASurvey. Students, professionals, or organizations may apply. Typically, the award is made available on an annual basis in an amount up to $1000.00 as funds are available. Only one grant may be made each year, or more than one grant may be awarded if the total does not exceed $1000.00. All relevant forms and documents are available at the bottom of this page.

The grant funds may be used to reimburse expenses associated with conducting original analytical research on new or legacy collections. For example, costs associated with radiocarbon assays, residue analysis, DNA assays, bone chemistry analysis, or other procedures or techniques as they become available. The expenses may include travel costs (hotel, food, and transportation) as long as they are not the focus of the application.

No portion of the research grant may be used to cover any administrative expenses associated with the grant, payment of salary, payment of collection access fees, or reimbursement of previously completed work. This is a reimbursement grant. No funds will be transferred before the expenses are actually incurred.

Award Eligibility
Applicants funded by the Wisconsin Archeological Survey Research Grant must meet the following criteria:

  • the research project must be pertinent to the state of Wisconsin;
  • the research funds cannot be applied to active compliance-based projects;
  • the applicant must be actively engaged in archaeological research and the proposal must demonstrate how the project will contribute to our understanding of Wisconsin’s past;
  • the applicant must not have received this grant in the past two years.

Application Packet
Requests for the funding must be submitted electronically as a Microsoft Word or Word compatible document or PDF. All pages of the application must be numbered sequentially in the top right-hand corner.

Applications must include:

  • Cover Page: A page that includes the applicant’s name, organization, street address, city, state, ZIP code, phone number, and email address. And, the title of the research project and the specific nature of the research grant request.
  • Grant Research Proposal: The research proposal should explain the nature of the research to be completed with the grant and if part of a larger research project the nature and extent of the latter. This proposal should not exceed one (n=1) page.
  • Budget: A page that details the amount of money requested and a rationale for how the funds will be spent. A budget worksheet is located at the bottom of this page. If additional funding has been requested or received from other organizations, this should be noted, but not included in the budget work sheet.
  • Resume: A resume or curriculum vita that details the educational, research, grants and awards, and other relevant experiences of the applicant.
  • Letter of Support: The applicant must solicit a confidential letter of reference from a current member of the Wisconsin Archeological Survey. The reference letter must be sent via email directly to the President of the Survey with a subject line: Wisconsin Archeological Survey Research Grant – (specify applicant’s name).

If you (the applicant) are not a WASurvey member, please provide the name and email address of a WASurvey member as a reference.

Application Submission
Applicants must submit the completed application packets to the President of the Survey with the Subject line: Wisconsin Archeological Survey Research Grant – (specify applicant’s name)

NOTE: failure to follow the application procedure and requirements will result in rejection of the submitted application.

Application Deadline
Applications must be submitted by 1 October. All applications will be reviewed within a month of the receipt of the grant application. Researchers who previously received the award are not eligible to receive another award for two calendar years.

Review Process
Accepted applications will be distributed to the Wisconsin Archeological Survey Grant Award review committee -selected based upon the nature of the grant submitted- for comment and ranking. All proposals will be evaluated according to a standard evaluation rubric. This rubric is available at the bottom of the page.

Reporting Requirements
Documentation of expenses: Appropriate invoices or receipts must be provided to the Wisconsin Archeological Survey Research Grant Committee upon completion of funded activities.

Report of Results: A digital version of the results of the grant funded research and associated expense documentation (invoices, receipts, etc.) must be submitted to the Wisconsin Archeological Survey Research Grant Committee electronically as a PDF within 6 months of the completion of the research enumerated in the grant. Extensions can be granted if there is a delay in the laboratory processing. If this research is part of a larger research project, please limit your submittal to the portion of the research funded by this grant. The WASurvey will not publish or otherwise distribute this information without the written consent of the researcher.

Acknowledgement: The researcher must acknowledge the support of the Wisconsin Archeological Survey Research Grant in all publications, posters, exhibits, and presentations where the results of the WASurvey sponsored research are presented.

Failure to appropriately document expenses or to submit an acceptable report will result in the denial of the request for reimbursement.


Evaluation Form