Survey Committees

Guidelines and Curation Committee

Chair: Rick Edwards

Members: Randy Dickson, Liz Leith, Katie Egan-Bruhy, Luther Leith, Kathy Stevenson, Miranda Alexander

Statement of Purpose: To develop, review, recommend revisions, and disseminate professional protocols and guidance for archaeological research in Wisconsin and for the application of appropriate methodologies and procedures used in archaeological investigations, appropriate conservation, and protection of archaeological collections and associated resources.

Website and Social Media Committee

Chair: Megan Thornton

Members: Kira Kaufmann

Statement of Purpose: To develop, review, and promote WAS utilizing social media and available internet resources.

Public Outreach Committee

Chair: Randy Dickson

Members: Vicki Twinde-Javner

Statement of Purpose: The mission of the Wisconsin Archaeological Survey-Outreach Committee is to emphasize the principle that the past is a public trust; to communicate to the public, the significance of the past with respect for all of Wisconsin’s cultural traditions and promote stewardship of archaeological sites; to engage and inform the public, and emphasize a connection with the past in order to understand the present, particularly at a regional level and to connect with citizens of all ages; and to effectively disseminate knowledge to the public, regarding Wisconsin’s rich cultural heritage and the importance of preserving and protecting the past.

Nominations Committee

Chair: Vicki Twinde-Javner

Members: Seth Schneider

Statement of Purpose: To provide candidates for WAS board and officer positions

Membership Committee

Chair:  Vicki Twinde-Javner

Members: Seth Schneider, Megan Thornton

Statement of Purpose: To review the status of Wisconsin Archeology Survey members to ascertain if they should remain as full voting members or if their status should be changed because they have failed to pay any required dues or assessments, they have had prolonged inactivity in the organization, or have an interest in discontinuing their membership in the Survey.

Spending Committee

Chair: John Broihahn

Members: Danielle Benden, William Balco

Statement of Purpose: Review WAS funds received and spent.

By-Laws Committee

Chair: Chip Brown

Members: Heather Walders, Cindi Stiles, Liz Leith

Statement of Purpose: Review and revise the Wisconsin Archeology by-laws when changes, corrections, clarifications, or additions are requested by the membership. Any recommended changes are brought to the attention of the membership at the spring and fall meetings to obtain feedback from the membership.

Climate Change Committee

Chair: Janet Speth

Members: Cindi Stiles, Amy Rosebrough, Luther Leith, Ricky Kubicek, Ray Reser, Jennifer Picard, and Tyler Howe