Welcome to the website for the Wisconsin Archeological Survey.
The Wisconsin Archeological Survey is an organization of professional archeologists with an interest in the archeology of Wisconsin.
The purpose of the Survey is:
- To stimulate, encourage, and support archeological research in the State of Wisconsin;
- To conserve and preserve the archeological resources of the State of Wisconsin and to initiate responsible action to insure the conservation and preservation of these resources;
- To promulgate and support the dissemination of the results of archeological research conducted within the State of Wisconsin; and
- To provide a corporate entity, which represents the community of those professional archeologists, who conduct archeological research in the State of Wisconsin and/or in scientific areas, which relate to the archeological resources of the State of Wisconsin.
The Survey is a member of the Archaeological Council of Councils.
An exciting new publication, Ancient Indigenous Cuisines, is available to order and a discount code is being offered for a limited time!